Sunday, April 20, 2014

Autism Answer: I'm The Easter Bunny!! aka It's Okay To Be Found Out For Being Fun!

Back when Shay was in preschool, his classroom was having a little Easter celebration and we parents were invited to bring goodies and join in the festivities. We hadn't been there long when my son's teacher pulled me aside and whispered,"We have an Easter bunny costume. Would you mind wearing it for the kids?"
Would I mind?! Heck no! I was honored!!
So, the teacher conspired with me to explain quietly to Shay why I had disappeared, while I would sneak off to an abandoned classroom and don an extremely warm and somewhat heavy bunny suit. The plan was hatched!
The kids filed outside to look for eggs, and shortly thereafter I made my grand entrance. I hopped and waved and hugged and posed for pictures. However, I wasn't out there long before one of the little girls from Shay's class jumped up and hollered,"That's not the Easter Bunny! It's Shay's mom!!"
Shay didn't miss a beat and, excited to participate in the cover up, replied,"Why would you think it's my mom? My mom had to go home to feed my brother with her boobs."
The little girl was not fooled--nor was she covering her mouth to stifle laughter the way all of the surrounding parents were. "I know it's your mom," she said with matter-of-fact clarity,"look how much fun she is!"
This Easter bunny/mom was rather thrilled to know that was what gave her away!!!

Happy Easter friends!
Have so much fun!

Hugs, smiles, and love!!