A thirty-one year old, newly verbal lowish functioning autistic man. His superhero name? Under-Man!! His superpower? Taking every item in the house and tucking it under... anything! The couch, the beds, the tables and dressers... can't find the car keys? Look under!
Guess what else has been tucked under. A life of convenience and simplicity. Oh, we have those days, certainly, and they are lovely! But thanks to my brother and his superpower (which we have chosen to use for good) there is no need for a life where things stay where we put them or lessons are learned the first time around.
And as with every superhero, my brother has gifted the lives of many, frightened a few, and angered some, while struggling with his own superpower. And like only the luckiest superheroes, my brother is surrounded by those who know and love him entirely, and who will walk to the ends of the earth and back to help him feel comfortable in his skin, so he can just be Dar. Saving lives and living happy by being himself, comfortably!
Hugs, smiles and love my fellow superhero sidekicks and helpers!!!
Autism Answers with Tsara Shelton (Facebook)
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It's a brother! It's a son! It's a friend! It's a bowling buddy! No, wait....it's Under-Man!! Ummm...and all of those other things, plus a lot more!! xoxo |