Saturday, August 3, 2013

Autism Answer: Disabling vs Not Able... a world of difference!

When my mom* Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad* was a little girl she could literally SEE sound as color (a form of Synesthesia). So when she would play the same note over and over on a piano many of the folks around her grew crazily annoyed while she enjoyed the shimmering beauty of a particular shade of blue. Had her family taken the time to ask her why, rather than smack her upside the head, my mom would have had an opportunity to explain, while simultaneously learning that not everyone saw what she saw. She then could have been asked not to play the same note over and over unless alone. 

And both she and her surrounding loved ones would have learned that the world behaves differently for different people--sometimes drastically so!-- and that there is much more value in asking and listening than there is in assuming and controlling

The challenge of seeing sound is disabling, making the world a little harder to navigate and engage in. I would like to suggest that the challenge of smacking before asking is also a disability. Again, making the world a little harder to navigate and engage in. Because of autism I have grown-up in a family that actively and loudly believes that a disability is not an inability, but rather a challenge worth taking on. 

Sometimes we'll compensate, sometimes we'll heal, and sometimes we'll change and grow by looking at habits and beliefs. ALWAYS we are able! Of course, some challenges will take much longer than others!!

Always we are able, even when we are disabled!

Hugs, smiles and love!!!!

*Author's note: Please take a moment to visit THIS campaign for my mom's show FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD which is now playing on The Autism Channel. This show litterally allows you to watch my mom work/play with children and adults who struggle with autism (and more) so that you can learn why she gets such world famous and fabulous results. And so that you can do it too!! Check out the Gallery page on the campaign to see videos and more!! Hugs!!!

An international reality series offering mental health answers with play and brain science!