Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Autism Answer: It's Never a Mistake to Engage with Kindness!

When you love someone on the spectrum, all the old parenting/relationship cliches tend to get thrown out the window. But too often all that's left is a feeling of "Well, what the heck do I do now??"

There are lots of things you can, and should, do!! The list of tips and suggestions from wonderful autism experts (like Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD) is lovely and long! Yet, even without the specifics there is an important thing you can do--for autism and for the world--right now! Drum roll please....... you can try stuff!!! And try with kindness!!!

Often we are afraid that if we try something, we'll make a mistake. And then when we do try something, later we see what we should have done different. But guess what? When we engage with kindness, it's never a mistake! Sure, you may have said or done something that discouraged speech in that moment. Sure, you may have over reacted and put your friend/child on the spot which may have resulted in them behaving poorly or giving up in the moment. 

But you also showed interest, love, and a desire to connect! You showed a willingness to try, even if it may end in a failure of the moment. Good for you!!

With an autistic person, just as with everyone else in the world, a willingness to engage with kindness can make all the difference.

Imagine a world where no one tries for fear of failure. Where the child hiding in the corner is forgotten because we're afraid to engage, for fear of causing a meltdown. Actually, don't imagine that. It's yucky!

Instead, trust yourself and be kind enough to try and try and try until you are a shining example of learning from your mistakes and trying again!!

It's never a mistake to engage with kindness!

Hugs, smiles, and love!!
Autism Answers

Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD (my mom!)
And my brother, Dar!
Dancing and learning and connecting...
with kindness!
And booty shaking!