Monday, November 28, 2022

Autism Answers: Little Shifts

Shifting view of a moment out our front door window

I'm surrounded by little shifts, and I'm shifting in little ways. Each shift, though, brings me to somewhere far enough from the first shift to make all the difference.
Of course, this has been happening throughout my life and will continue to happen. Lately, though, I'm noticing the shifts.
I was living in one country and now I am living in another. It doesn't matter which countries for me to make the point I want to make, and in fact would distract us. Suffice it to say, the countries are not very different from each other and yet, simultaneously, they are. It is all the small shifts in difference that make all the difference.
For me, this country is encouraging more comfort inside and outside myself. It is helping me breathe in and out more easily. 
When we are struggling to breathe easily, when our homes or work places or communities feel suffocating or overwhelming, we can take advantage of little shifts. We can do them purposely, we can ask for them specifically, we can notice over time if they are helping. 
My autistic brothers have always seemed to be more affected by shifts. More influenced, more in need of accommodating them or dealing with them or, when we've shifted well, being freed into a more comfortable state because of them. 
Long ago doctors would prescribe moving to a more appropriate environment when an illness or unwellness plagued someone. This is something we can do, with or without a prescription. Sometimes we'll know what we need, sometimes we won't, always we can notice how we feel living inside of our shifting world. 
I don't think I need to live in this country to be happy and breathe easy. But I do notice it happening and am noticing, best I can, why it's happening. In that way, I can attempt to bring those shifts with me wherever I go, if I go. 
I like noticing that the shifts are little because that feels easier to do on my own. Little shifts. And noticing the big difference small shifts are making reminds me not to throw my hands up in defeat if I can only do small shifts. Instead, I feel powerful shifting a little. 
Each little shift is a thing I did that might make a big difference for me, for someone I love, or for the planet I love. 
We are surrounded by our environment; our home, our thoughts, our world. Each shift shifts us.
Little shifts are what big shifts can be made of.